Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Muritai School Curriculum for Learning

For this blog entry I wanted to share with you what we call the front section of our schools 'Curriculum for learning'. This document has been developed through a collaborative process of self-review and consultation over the past few years. Its principle function is to put in action the set direction for student learning outlined in the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC p. 6) and to develop the competencies they need for study, work, and lifelong learning so they can all go on to realize their true potential. The 'Curriculum for Learning' document aims to improve children's learning through quality teaching and learning programmes, practices, strategies and opportunities.

It supports our children to:
o Interact with others who are outside Eastbourne and in the wider world.
o Develop the skills required to synthesize information and create useful knowledge.
o Improve their achievement in the foundation competencies of literacy and numeracy.
o Be competitive by nature, to improve and excel, but also collaborative and cooperative in their learning and social context.
o Embrace change and learn to be collaborative problem-solvers.
o Achieve across a broader set of domains: Tikanga Maori, Learning Languages, The Arts and Sport…
o Make connections so they can see real purpose for their learning, and enable students to perceive the natural relationships between the disciplines that makeup our comprehensive curriculum.

At Muritai School we recognize that achieving our vision, involves contributions from our whole school community and in particular the teaching staff. Through adopting a collaborative process when writing and constructing the schools curriculum aims to encourage teachers to:
o Utilize real life contemporary issues as a focus for their teaching programs.
o To plan and work collaboratively, utilizing individual skills and abilities and as a means of support for each other.
o Differentiate learning so that their teaching programs cater for the relevant needs of all students within the classroom.

I have attached the link to the page on our schools website where you can download a pdf version of our 'Curriculum for Learning'.

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Welcome to The GATE Way! This blog has been created for both teachers and parents interested in learning about Gifted and Talented education. Hopefully it will be able to provide you with useful information, interesting examples of differentiated learning and helpful links. So thank you for visiting 'The Gate Way' and enjoy!

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