Monday, August 2, 2010

Analyizing School Wide Data

At the end of last term teachers shared with parents their child's achievement against the three national standards at the mid-year interviews . Since then I have completed a school wide analysis of the results collected across all 8 year groups. The findings have been very predictable and have not highlighted any cohort groups with strengths or weaknesses that we weren't already aware of. This is largely due to the fact that our teachers already knew how well their students were doing through the implementation and use of tried and proven assessment tools such as AsTTle and PAT maths.

Having now gained a little experience working with national standards data I am still not really sure of what the benefits will be for improving student learning? I'd be very interested in hearing from other schools who have been able to achieve this.

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Welcome to The GATE Way! This blog has been created for both teachers and parents interested in learning about Gifted and Talented education. Hopefully it will be able to provide you with useful information, interesting examples of differentiated learning and helpful links. So thank you for visiting 'The Gate Way' and enjoy!

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