Friday, May 21, 2010

Learning from others

LinkIn this post I would like to thank Cockle Bay School for sharing the work they have been doing as part of their efforts to implement National Standards on their website . Although the intended audience for this is more than likely their parent community it has been great for us to learn about the approaches and strategies being developed and used by other schools. Of particular interest has been the 'Progress Grids' that they have created (click on the image link below to be able to download pdf files of each progress grid).

What I like about these grids is that they are a nice visual which help parents see where their child is achieving against the respective standard. They also provide the teacher with a visual tool to direct the teacher-parent conversation towards student progress and ultimately strengths, weaknesses and next learning steps. I have shared the progress grids with our teaching staff who found them beneficial when trying to differentiate between the respective standards.

This year our school wide umbrella theme is "Learning from others". Thank you Cockle Bay school for allowing us to model this learning theme.

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Welcome to The GATE Way! This blog has been created for both teachers and parents interested in learning about Gifted and Talented education. Hopefully it will be able to provide you with useful information, interesting examples of differentiated learning and helpful links. So thank you for visiting 'The Gate Way' and enjoy!

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